

(coming soon)

Frequently Asked Questions


Can QMS™ be used to track "near misses"?


Yes. One way is to enter a transaction each time a "near miss" occurs just like you enter the event if it were an incident but use the "Injury Type" to indicate either "no injury" or "non-applicable". Another way is to set up an indicator that specifies "Near Miss" for the Indicator Group (i.e. Medication Event - Near Miss) and then each time there is a near miss event, enter the transaction using this indicator.


Can QMS™ be used as an online incident reporting system?


Yes, if QMS™ is on a network server that can be accessed by the staff, each incident can be entered "real time". This staff member can enter data but can be restricted from seeing other incidents entered by others.


Can I graph data I have entered into the QMS™ system?


Yes. By using the Presentation Module, you can create graphs and charts automatically and/or customize them to meet your needs.


Can I track "absorbed cost" and "write offs" in the Claims Module?


Yes, these would be entered as claims with the expenses and paid amounts entered. A summary of these can be run monthly, quarterly, and/or yearly.


Can I get a report from the Credentialing Module that tells me which Practitioner's license or medical malpractice insurance expires within the next month?


Yes, if you have put the data into the Practitioner Expirations database, there is both a "tickler" and a report that can be run as you open the Credentialing Module. If you would like more information, please contact a Support Staff Member.


Can I use QMS™ to provide to the appropriate staff the list of privileges for practitioner on staff at our facility?


Yes. In the Credentialing Module of QMS™, a view only access to the privilege list for the practitioners on staff at your facility can be given to the appropriate staff. Therefore, as soon as the list is updated, it is available to the staff without additional effort.


How do I track "peer review" activities within QMS™?


"Peer review" indicators/monitors are given a code number and the practitioners are given code numbers. After the review of the practice has been completed, the results are entered as transactions into the Quality/Risk Assessment Module of QMStm.

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